Electric go-karts for kids are not only fun, but they’re also extremely convenient and practical, as they don’t require much maintenance apart from recharging.
Being designed for kids, these electric go-karts are lightweight, robust and are equipped with several safety features in order to ensure that your child is well protected.
Not only are they easy to ride and have several parental speed controls, but they are also practical to transport on family trips and be easily stored at home or in the trunk of a car.
Our Go-Kart is a small electric go-kart designed for younger kids and is equipped with a 24V electric motor. The speed can be set at either 4, 7, or 10 km/h. Depending on the speed of the kart, it can run for up to 60 minutes on a single charge.
The ideal age range for this kart is 3 to 10 years. It can support a weight of 40kg so heavier children are not recommended to use it.